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Salim Ibn Marzouk M ++++/


Show Achievements

Full Record



AHAC: Legion Of Supreme Excellence (3,068)

2006 grey Egyptian Arabian stallion, 15.1hh

BT Marzouk x Salima Zaphina VI (Jafar Ibn Ruminaja Ali)

Bred by Maghara Arabians

Competing in English Pleasure, Pleasure Driving, Informal Combination, and Halter


Salim was purchased from Tait of Maghara Arabians to add another stallion to the line up here. Isabella wasn't originally looking for another stallion to add to her string but she happened to come across the sales ads for Maghara Arabians and her eye was immediately drawn to the nearly pure white stallion's photo. He was absolutely gorgeous and as she looked closer at him he had an incredibly accomplished show record in the AHAC and a great pedigree. It wasn't until he arrived with the other stallion she purchased from Maghara that Isabella got to know his personality. Salim stepped off the trailer exactly like you'd expect an experienced show horse who was used to constantly travelling and moving barn to barn during the show season, calm and relaxed but interested in his new surroundings. He started to prance a bit and his tail lightly flagged when he noticed the pastures and other horses but he still walked easily and calmly next to his handler. He is incredibly easy going and simple horses to work with. On the ground around the farm he leads as well as any tried and true lesson horse and the only way he shows that he is actually a relatively young and athletic Arabian stallion is a little bit of prancing, tail flagging, and neck arching when he sees something new or interesting. When you first meet Salim he definitely doesn't act like a high level main ring Arabian show stallion and you'd think that he wouldn't do great in the show ring because he doesn't have that "look at me" attitude. Once he gets into the ring though Salim absolutely lights up and becomes the high energy and charismatic show horse his records show him to be. He never becomes difficult or hard to handle, he just gets more "up" and responsive. Under saddle at home Salim is incredibly mellow unless you really ask him to get up and show and we've often put a few of the more experienced beginners and intermediate riders on him to let them feel what it's like to ride a real top level show horse. Salim is incredibly responsive to cues but he is not reactive in the slightest. Along with being responsive he is intelligent and always willing to work. He is one of those horses that Isabella knows she can safely just go pull him out of his pasture, throw a saddle and bridle on him or hitch him up to the cart, and go on an easy trail ride or drive without worrying about what type of horse she is pulling out that day or having to be constantly "on" with him. Salim is a fantastic show horse and just an absolute pleasure to have around the barn but he also has other amazing qualities going for him in his build, gaits, pedigree, and proven siring capabilities that makes him a very promising potential sire for RTS. The first thing people notice about Salim is his sparkling white coat (thank you for a grey horse who actually loves grooming and staying clean) and gorgeous typical refined Arabian head but that's not all this stallion has to offer. He is actually incredibly athletically built with a good hip and shoulder, long elegant legs, and a short strong back. His gaits aren't the biggest or the boldest but he is really able to drive under himself with his hind end and produce flashy, comfortable, and clean gaits that do well in the show ring. His pedigree lends itself to a talented and beautiful foal as well being sired by the fantastic Legion Of Fame English Pleasure and Pleasure Driving stallion BT Marzouk and out of the beautiful Halter mare Salima Zaphina VI. Once you add in the fact that he has already produced a Legion of Fame mare and his two 2019 colts for us are already looking extremely promising, Salim has the makings of a great sire.

Breeding Information

Genetics: Ee/Aa/Gg

Explanation: Salim is heterozygous at both extension and agouti which means he can produce any of the three base colors. He is also heterozygous for grey which means each of his foals have a 50% chance of inheriting grey as well.


Evergreens Isra Ibn Salim - 2010 grey Egyptian Arabian stallion (out of AS Zakiyah Hiyam)

Marzhaya Ruzeeri M - 2009 chestnut Egyptian Arabian mare (out of Dreams A Dheal M)

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